*We will support upcoming EU Regulations (PSD3/PSR) & eIDAS2 once in effect.
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Configure in any API Gateway within minutes
For our custom subscription customers we now include intergration components for your API Gateway. This allows you to set up our best-in-class PSD2 TPP Validation quickly and effortlessly. You will benefit from all our features and services while maintaining control through your API Gateway of choice.

Cutting-Edge PSD2 API Gatekeeper
Any submitted eIDAS PEM receives our comprehensive PSD2 validity assessment, featuring Real-time Certificate Validation and confirmation of current regulatory approvals in NCA records, alongside a live verified status of the certificate issuing QTSP.
To further minimize the requirement for custom logic —explore our Premium offers below —where a compliance schema can be leveraged alongside request parameters to generate grant statements in boolean (true/false). These statements can then be seamlessly integrated directly into APIM, FW or LB, enablig swift tests and quick production readiness.
200 OK Response
Only eIDAS certificates passing our ASPSP/TPP PSD2 validity checks receive a 200 OK response, accompanied by full regulatory data—such as roles, passporting details etc plus live certificate validation data —delivered in a straightforward JSON payload. This data is ready to be seamlessly integrated with any custom logic to handle grants or rejects.
400 Error Codes
Rejects will receive 4xx Error Codes, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rejection cause. Serial will be extracted if possible and return as subject value.
Checks if a TPP-ID exists within NCA records or a QTSP-ID are active in EUTL. Utilize it as needed, whether within a Developer Portal or in any other context where it proves beneficial.
Serials with Params
Simplify your setup by extracting and submitting only the certificate serial on incoming requests to your PSD2 APIs (assuming the PEM has been validated earlier, perhaps during onboarding) thus bypassing the need for the PEM at any later stage. Enjoy lightning-fast responses and tailored results aligned with your custom Compliance schema or our default settings like in this example.
Experience our full suite here or over at Hoppscotch
Essential Tools for API Development
Hoppscotch makes it easy to create and test your APIs, helping you to ship products faster.
A more effective way to enable compliance
With our convenient API Test environment available here or over at the Hoppscotch, there's little left to explain. You can explore it according to your needs and prerequisites. However, here are a few highlights from our feature list that we'd like to emphasize.
PSD2 Validity Check →
Only certificates that passes our tests of - certficiate validation - active status in regulatory records - QTSP status verification - will return a 200 OK with JSON payload for local processing.
PSD2 Roles
The 200 OK Response will include the latest regulatory data on record, such as the TPP's currently licensed PSD2 role. Please note that we also support ASPSPs PEMs.
Passporting Permissions
All 200 OK Responses also includes the TPP entity's full range of its current Passporting Permissions (if any) - save development time using our Request Parameters.
Revocation Status
200 OK Responses also have latest certificate revocation status shown together with relevant certificate validation data (performed in realtime).
Trust Chain Validation
All PEMs are subject to regular re-verification, in addition to undergoing comprehensive real-time trust chain validation upon submission.
Real-time Processing
We keep track of it all, all NCA regulatory records and all QTSPs always up to date for reliable and accurate responses.
One Single API
They say, keep things simple, so we did. One straight forward request, that's it. Designed for swift integration. Your choice of operation specifics.
Elegant Compliance
Our quick turnaround times to deliver a response enables every session or even every single request to be verified in realtime.
*Request Parameters
Premium subscribers receive request parameters to enable boolean responses according to your custom compliance schema.
Immutable Records
All request and responses carries unique traceability records to origin, covering both QTSP & NCA sources ensuring trustee integrity.
*Traceability On-demand
Premium subscribers get all requests logged and available on demand at any time using our dedicated Audit endpoint.
*Automate Incident Reporting
Simplify incident reporting with ease using boolean response data in combination with the Audit endpoint records.
Free forever. Upgrade for no restrictions, booleans and additional exclusive or even custom features.
eIDAS (QWAC & QSeal) Support
Rate Limited
200 OK JSON or 400 Error Codes
Limited Response - Key Values Redacted
AI Powered Chatbot Support
Go Premium
Everything from Free, plus
Limitations Lifted & Full Responses
API Gateway connectors
Enabled Premium Operations
Enabled Server-side Compliance
Enabled Audit API
Subscribe via Azure or Contact us
Optional Dedicated Endpoint
Optional Private Cloud Deploy
Custom Compliance Ruleset
Custom Data & Response Layout
Custom Integration Service
Optional Regulatory Updates
Advanced Analytics
Data Export Capabilities
Setup & Integration Help
Stripe or Microsoft Invoicing